Order Contacts in Gilbert & Mesa

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A Convenient Way to Order Your Contact Lenses

Following your comprehensive contact lens exam and fitting, you may be wondering where you can order your new contact lenses.

At Experts on Sight, we offer a convenient way for you to order new contacts or refill your current prescription. Order your contact lenses today.

Our Locations


We’re located just off Lindsay Road in the San Tan Professional Village, with plenty of parking out front. If you have trouble finding us, please give us a call.

  • 3303 South Lindsay Road, Suite 101
  • Gilbert, AZ 85297


Find us right off East McKellips Road in the same parking lot as Arby’s. Feel free to contact us if you have any trouble finding our location.

  • 1919 East McKellips Road, Suite 103
  • Mesa, AZ 85203
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